Have you ever dreamt of owning a bookstore empire…without the mountains of books? Imagine a thriving marketplace where bookworms can browse millions of titles, from the latest releases to hidden gems, all from the comfort of their couch. That’s the magic of Jarir Bookstore, a digital haven for bibliophiles. However, what if you could use that ability to develop an app like Jarir Bookstore?

Buckle up, because we’re diving deep into the world of marketplace apps, and Jarir Bookstore is our shining example. In this blog, we’ll be your guide on a journey to develop an app like Jarir Bookstore,  features, costs, and other aspects.

So, grab your favorite cuppa or mug of butterbeer, if you’re a Potterhead, and get ready to transform your passion for books into a successful app.

Let’s begin.


What Is Jarir Bookstore App?  

The Jarir Bookstore app lets users shop at Jarir Bookstore, a popular store in the Middle East, from the user’s phone. Users can browse many products like books in Arabic and English, electronics, school supplies, and toys.

Users can also check if an item is in stock at a nearby store and make purchases directly through the app. So, if you are planning to develop an app like Jarir Bookstore, you must consult with an ecommerce development company about the idea validation.


Why Must Businesses Invest In Jarir Bookstore App Development? 

Businesses must put money into Jarir Bookstore marketplace app development for many reasons. Given below are a handful:  

1. Increased sales and customer engagement

Customers may find it useful to be able to browse and buy goods through a well-designed app, even when they are not in the store. This might make more sales and get more people excited.


2. Improved customer service

Customers can do many things on their own with the help of an app like OpenSooq or Jarir Bookstore, like check the state of their orders, follow the progress of their shipments, and see information about the products they are buying. That can give employees more time to give better, more personalized customer service.

Develop an App Like Jarir Bookstore


3. Enhanced brand loyalty

Customers can have a better and more interesting experience with a brand if the app is well-designed. Customers may be more loyal to the company and spend more over the course of their lifetime.


4. Valuable customer data

Apps can get useful information about how customers act and what they like. You can use this data to better focus your marketing, give your customers a better experience, and create new products and services.


Key Features to Develop an App Like Jarir Bookstore

Features are crucial for the Jarir Bookstore’s success. So, below are the must-have features given by an online marketplace development services provider. You must include these features when you develop an app like Jarir Bookstore: 


Develop an app like Jarir Bookstore


1. Extensive Product Catalog: Give customers the chance to peruse the extensive inventory of Jarir Bookstore, which includes books, stationery, gadgets, and more.


2. Advanced Search & Filters: Filter results by category, author, publisher, price range, and even product description keywords for a more effective search.


3. Product Availability Check: Let customers know in advance whether their local Jarir Bookstore has an item they’re looking for in stock.


4. Seamless In-App Purchase: When you develop an app like Jarir Bookstore, make it easy and safe for customers to buy things from the app using built-in payment channels.


5. Order Tracking & Management: With the help of an On Demand App Development Company, enable in-app order tracking, order history viewing, and return management features for your users.


6. Digital Shopping Guides & Catalogs: Make Jarir’s catalogs and shopping guides available for download so users can peruse them without an internet connection.


7. Store Locator & Directions: When you develop an app like ToYou or Jarir Bookstore, add a store finder feature that uses maps to show users where Jarir Bookstores are located.


8. Personalized Recommendations: Add AI-recommendation feature that tells users about goods that might interest them based on what they’ve looked at and bought in the past.


9. Promotional Offers & Loyalty Program: When you develop an app like Haraj or Jarir Bookstore, add a part to show current sales, deals, and information about loyalty programs to encourage people to use your site.


10. Wishlists & Gift Registries: Make it possible for users to make wish lists or gift packages that they can share with their friends and family.


Steps To Develop an App Like Jarir Bookstore

Developing an e-commerce platform, particularly one that mimics the Jarir Bookstore app, requires a meticulous sequence of actions. The Jarir Bookstore mobile app development process is designed to make sure that a strong marketplace app is made at every step, from the first idea to the final launch. Have a closer look at the following stages of development:


Develop an app like Jarir Bookstore


1. Conceptualization and Market Research

In this first step to develop an app like Jarir Bookstore, you need to come up with a unique value offer and figure out what your target market wants. You must validate your idea with an Android app development company. The main goals of research are to look at competitors, find holes in the market, and learn what users want. This is very important for figuring out the platform’s goals and scope, making sure it meets the needs of its users and stands out in a crowded market.


2. Design and Prototyping

At this point in the Jarir Bookstore app development process, Hire dedicated app developers who make prototypes and wireframes to decide how the app will look and feel. This step includes designing the user interface (UI), with the goal of making the user experience (UX) easy to use and interesting. By prototyping, users can get a real sense of how the app works and how it flows. This lets them give early feedback that can be used to improve the final design of Jarir Bookstore clone app development, making sure the platform looks good and works well.



3. Development Phase

This is where the app is actually built. The shopping app development services provider  uses the right coding languages and tools for both the front end (which users see) and the back end (which servers see). To develop an app like Jarir Bookstore, integration of databases, setting up of safety protocols, and coding of the basic features that make it easy for users to buy, sell, and connect on the platform are all part of this phase.


4. Testing Phase

Testing is very important to make sure the app doesn’t have any bugs, works well in different situations, and gives users a smooth experience. During the Jarir Bookstore accessories app development stage, different types of tests are done, such as performance testing, security testing, functional testing, and test of user acceptance (UAT). Before the Jarir Bookstore app goes live, quality testing helps find and fix any problems. This makes sure that the app is reliable and that users are happy with it.


5. Launch and Ongoing Support

Launching the app to everyone is the last step. This includes putting the app in app stores, doing marketing to get people to download it, and getting their first comments. After the app is released, you must avail mobile app maintenance services so that any problems can be fixed, new features can be added, and the platform is always getting better based on what users say. This keeps the app modern, viable, and in line with what users want.


From the first study to help after the launch, it’s important to carefully plan and carry out everything. It is important for the mobile app development company to take a broad view of app development and strive for an excellent intuitive service that fulfills the needs of the market.  


Technology Stack Used Jarir Bookstore App Development

Now you know the steps to develop an app like Jarir Bookstore, it is crucial to have an undertaking of technology stack. So, let’s have a look at the Jarir Bookstore marketplace development tech stack:  





React Native, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin

Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), Java (Spring Boot)


SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase
API Integration



OAuth, JWT
Push Notifications

Firebase Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service


Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics
Version Control

Git, GitHub, Bitbucket


Google Play Store, Apple App Store, TestFlight, Firebase App Distribution



Cost To Develop an App Like Jarir Bookstore

Depending on the complexity of your project, the cost to develop a mobile app like Jarir Bookstore will be around $10000-$25000. Also, it can exceed due to factors like features, development team, technologies, platform type etc. Below table showcases the Jarir Bookstore app development cost.


Factor / Integration

Cost Range ($)

Basic UI/UX Design

$1000 – $3000
Frontend Development

$2000 – $6000

Backend Development

$2000 – $6000
Database Setup

$500 – $1500

API Integration

$1000 – $3000
Authentication System

$500 – $1500

Push Notifications Setup

$500 – $1500
Analytics Integration

$500 – $1500

Version Control System

$200 – $500
Deployment Setup

$500 – $1500

Testing and QA

$1000 – $3000
Project Management

$500 – $1500

Contingency (10-20%)

$800 – $5000
Total Cost

$8000 – $25000


To know the exact cost to build an app like Jarir Bookstore, it is crucial to consult with an online marketplace development company. They will provide you the actual Jarir Bookstore marketplace development cost and time.


Develop an App Like Jarir Bookstore

Final Thoughts!

Online marketplaces are a great way for small businesses with limited marketing funds to start fresh versions of their products. Now is the best time to start your own businesses and spend money to develop an app like Jarir Bookstore because there are so many possibilities in the online market.

There you have it. Dev Technosys can help you find the best e-commerce mobile app developers. It was rated as the best eCommerce app development services provider to develop an app like Jarir Bookstore. So what are you waiting for? Just share your requirements with us and take your business to the next level!!



1. How Much Time Does It Take to Develop An App Like Jarir Bookstore?

The time to make an app like Jarir Bookstore can be between 2-4 months for a simple app. It can increase up to 5-9 months as you go for a complex one.


2. What Are the Benefits Of Jarir Bookstore App Development?

Business who create an app like Jarir Bookstore can get many benefits like:

  • Increase sales and brand awareness
  • Improve customer experience and engagement
  • Gain valuable customer data and insights
  • Stay competitive in the retail market


3. How Much Does It Cost To Build An App Like Jarir Bookstore?

The cost to develop an app like Jarir Bookstore can be around $10000-$25000. It can vary depending on your project complexity. So, it is vital to consult with an Android or iOS app development services provider about the cost to build an online marketplace like Jarir Bookstore.


4. How To Monetize An App Like Jarir Bookstore?

You can make money from an app like Jarir Bookstore by following the below methods:

  • In-app purchase
  • In-app advertisement
  • Subscription model
  • Freemium model
  • Affiliate marketing